N17 Ballindine-Carrownurlaur Road Realignment
- Client: Galway County Council
- Location: N17 Ballindine-Carrownurlaur Co. Galway
About this Project
N17 Carrownurlaur to Ballindine Road Scheme consisted of 2.6km of realignment of the N17.
It consisted of a mixture of On and Offline works. The online works were complicated by high traffic volumes due to the N17 being a main connection route in the area.
The offline works included the construction of the proposed road and services corridor through a peat area where up to a 3m dig was required.
Large Wide Pad excavators were used during this operation.
Over 113,000 m3 of imported material was required for the project which was hauled by our extensive fleet of trucks.
Removal of Japanese Knotweed

Works were carried out on the N17 with a speed limit of 100km/h and an AADT > 12,000. The Temporary Traffic Management Plan was designed inhouse by P&D Lydon and our specialized TM crew implemented and maintained the Temporary Traffic Management for the duration of the works
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